Overview Fighter 10/1/1/1 (all points on physical stat when creating character). Fighters are a combat class that uses swords and “Dodge” to engage in combat. Fighter is a great first choice class, as you can get right into learning the game and start earning gold to help fund a mage/crafter. Mage 1/10/1/1(all points on magical stat when creating character). Mages can do well in combat, but not as well as fighters. They are also able to hatch Combat Drakes. Mages are typically used to craft Totems,Stat Totems, Magical Staves, and use Totem Shatter. Crafter 1/1/10/1(all points on creative stat when creating character). Crafters are typically used to craft weapons and explosives. Beastmaster 1/1/1/10 (all points on Beastmaster stat when creating character). Beastmasters use captured monsters to fight for them in combat. Beastmasters cannot use swords in combat, however they can wield a taming scythe. Beastmasters cannot use or learn dodge. Hybrid ?/?/?/1 (points arranged in any “non-pure” configuration) Hybrids are a more “Advanced” class. They come with heavy downsides early on, but can have some benefits if you stick it out into the very high levels. *PAGEEND* Fighter Fighters use 10 points into the Physical stat, and they excel at combat. They use the various types of weapons that each have their own special effect to fight foes. As fighters age, they gain increased attack speed with all weapons. The weapon types that fighters use are: Greatsword: Just a basic sword. Every weapon starts as a greatsword before being expertised Katana: Increased accuracy (tohit) Chaos: Chance to do 2x damage, with a smaller chance to do 3x damage Mace: Increased base damage Bladestaff: Chance to hit all enemies in your square Claw: Chance to stun enemies Scythe: Chance to hit all enemies in your square for reduced damage, increased chance at meat drops The main skills fighters focus on are: Dodging: This is the defensive skill of the game. It decides whether or not an enemy will hit you. Weapon Masteries: Each weapon type has an associated mastery. Each level in the associated mastery skill will increase your damage when using that type of weapon. *PAGEEND* Mage Mages use 10 points into the magical stat. They can do well in combat with the use of staves and drakes, however not as well as a fighter. Mages are generally used to craft totems and staves using the various magic types, and earthkeys using Geomancy. They can also shatter imbued totems to perform special actions. Mages can use their magic to hatch eggs into pet drakes that will fight for the mage. The drakes use various magic effects depending on their color, and do increased damage depending on the mages Drake Mastery skill and the magical stat of the player. As mages age, they gain increased attack speed with drakes. Totems are items you wield to give bonus stats or effects like increased dodge, damage, or lifesteal. They are temporary items that last longer depending on the tier Staves are the weapon of choice for mages. They can apply various magic effects such as blind or stun and they can also deal damage with the use of Fire staves. All staff types have a 'din' variant that hits everything in a 3x3 around your character. Staves have limited charges, and have more charges if crafted by a stronger mage. Earthkeys are items used to create a personal dungeon. They are made using the Geomancy skill to combine beads, heartgems(optional), and meat. The bead/gem power determines the depth, with deeper keys having stronger monsters Totem Shatter can be used for various things, such as changing the color of dusts/shards, or releasing pet drakes. *PAGEEND* Crafter Crafters use 10 points into the creative stat. They are experts at crafting powerful weapons as well as explosives. All weapons start as a greatsword, which is your standard everyday sword. From there, they can be expertised into one of the specialized weapons. At each stage of crafting, the crafter can add various dusts and a shard to the weapon to add special effects. Every dust added increases the difficulty, so crafters are sought after for crafting the most powerful weapons. Crafters can also make explosives, which can be detonated to deal damage in a large area. Beware though, the player setting off the bomb is also damaged. The crafter can add fuses to the bomb to control how long before it explodes, to allow the player to escape the blast radius if needed. Crafters can also break down weapons that are no longer needed to recover some of the materials used via the Weapon Dismantle skill. *PAGEEND* Beastmaster Beastmasters play the game very differently than the other classes. Beastmasters cannot attack, and they cannot equip totems. The only weapon they can use is a Taming Scythe. They use this scythe to tame the various monsters around the world, and those monsters do the fighting for the beastmaster. Once a monster has been tamed, it can level up and become stronger by killing other monsters that have a higher tohit than the tamed monsters defence. It is generally not recommended to be a beastmaster as your first character, as you'll need to hunt down almost every monster in the game which is a tall task for a new player. You will also rely on a mage and a crafter to be able to upgrade your taming scythe. *PAGEEND* Hybrid While most people will opt for picking a "pure" class, you're not limited to it. You can spread your stat points however you wish, if you're willing to live with the downsides. Mages/Fighters get a strong special effect from having 10+ in their respective stat, so choosing to not put your stat points in one of those can make combat much harder. However, as you reach the higher ages in the game through gaining levels, you can start to gain bonus stats. If you're willing to stick through the downsides early on, you could achieve a character with 10+ physical AND 10+ magical by being a hybrid which would allow you to attack faster with swords as well as have faster attacking pet drakes. Bear in mind, reaching these high ages is a feat that most players will not reach. Hybrid is not for the faint of heart.