There are various NPCs in the game. Most can be found in towns, but there are others throughout the world.
They can be interacted with by clicking and holding on them to bring up the context menu.
Merchants can be found in town and wear blue. The context menu when interacting with a merchant 
allows you to trade with them, or sell various categories of items quickly. When trading with a merchant,
an inventory will open on the lefthand side of the screen. You can scroll within this inventory using the 
swords on the lefthand edge. Items can be purchased by clicking and holding on them to open the 
context menu and then selecting the desired quantity.

While merchants generally have similar stock, some towns may stock more of certain items, and 
may stock higher tier staves/totems. The merchants in each town will also sell Recalls to that town
that can be used to quickly return to that town.

The Community Merchant is located in Fingle at 211, 155 and wears yellow. 
The community merchant behaves similarly to a normal merchant, however they have no base stock
of their own. Instead, it holds only items sold to it by players.
The stock of the community merchant never degrades, but will be reset on any server restart.
Trainers can be found in town and wear green. Interacting with them will allow you to learn various 
skills that will be important for your characters development.
Town Mage
Town Mages can be found in towns and wear red. Interacting with them will allow you to heal,
teleport between towns, or open your account wide storage.