Overview There are a few types of equipment. Weapons, staves, and totems. There is no armor. Weapons are used by fighters to fight enemies. Staves can have various magical effects, or deal damage. Totems are temporary items imbued by mages that can increase your stats or provide benefits. *PAGEEND* Weapons There are different types of weapons that each have their own special effect. Greatsword: Just a basic sword. Every weapon starts as a greatsword before being expertised by a crafter into one of the specialized weapons covered below. Katana: Increased accuracy (tohit). This is a good first weapon, as the increased tohit can be very helpful early on. Chaos: Chance to do 2x damage, with a smaller chance to do 3x damage. This is the highest damage dealing weapon, assuming you aren’t unlucky! Mace: Increased base damage. Maces do a bit less average damage than a chaos, but maces are much more consistent as you aren’t relying on the 2x/3x procs. Bladestaff: Chance to hit all enemies in your square. Any effects from dust will apply to all enemies hit. Claw: Chance to stun enemies. Scythe: Chance to hit all enemies in your square for reduced damage, increased chance at meat drops. Scythes have the base damage of a greatsword, so they don’t make great weapons for general use. *PAGEEND* Staves Staves are imbued by mages, and have charges. When the charges are consumed, the staff is destroyed. A staff imbued by a powerful mage will have more charges, with the strongest mages able to make staves with a huge amount of charges. There are various types of staves, each with their own effect. Most have a Din variant that hits all monsters in a 3x3 around the player. Fire: Deals damage Poison: Deals damage over time Slowing: Slows the attacks of the enemy Stunning: Stuns the enemy Tangle: Binds the enemy, preventing them from moving Blinding: Blinds the enemy, making them less likely to hit Spirit Summoning: Makes spirit monsters in a 5x5 around you come and attack you Taming: Used to craft Taming Scythes for Beastmasters *PAGEEND* Totems Totems are imbued by mages, and have a limited time. Higher tier totems last longer, with high tier totems lasting multiple days. Totems are very important, as the increased stats can make a massive difference. Depending on the imbues used, they can have various effects. Only the highest tier totem of each type will be in effect, and they do not stack. Accuracy: Increases your tohit Health: Increases your health regeneration Quickness: Increases your dodge Strength: Increases your damage Spirit Protection: Reduces damage taken from Spirit monsters Toughness: Reduces your damage taken from all monsters Web Protection: Reduces your chance to get webbed in place Life Steal: Your melee hits steal life from enemies, dealing additional damage and healing you Focus: Prevents you from being one-hit *PAGEEND* Stat Totems Stat totems are a special type of totem with reduced duration. They increase your Physical, Magical or Creative stats. Most actions in the game that use these stats will benefit from stat totems. Stat totems are created by mages by imbuing a totem with Favors from the spirit trees.