Overview Blade Mistress came to be in the early 2000’s, and maintains its retro roots. While it has many similarities to many of the MMORPGs you may be used to playing, it has some unique differences. This hope of this help UI is to ease the learning curve of the game which can be steep at times. The lefthand edge of this window has the main categories, and the top edge has the subcategories. This window can be reopened at any time in game by clicking the Help button in the bottom right, above Options. This window can be moved by clicking and dragging the top edge. More detailed information can be found at bmwiki.github.io which is generously maintained by Supream. *PAGEEND* Combat Combat in Blade Mistress is primarily automatic. Most monsters will automatically attack you when you enter their square, and you will automatically retaliate. When attacking, you will use whatever is deemed your best weapon in your Wield inventory. You can move items to your Wield inventory via the Use action in the context menu from the main inventory. When entering a square with multiple enemies, you will retaliate against the first to hit you. If you wish to attack a different monster, you can click and hold on it to open the context menu and select Attack. There is no penalty for death in Blade Mistress, you will just be teleported back to town. Loot is automatically moved to your inventory when defeating an enemy, there is no need to loot the defeated enemy. *PAGEEND* Movement Movement in Blade Mistress is based on a grid. Each square can hold multiple enemies/NPCs. You can use the arrow keys, WAD, or click to move to move around the world. Click to move and WAD can be enabled/disabled in the options menu. Moving forward will move one entire tile, and you can move diagonally. *PAGEEND* First Steps It is generally recommended to begin with a Fighter (10 Physical stat). Fighters excel in combat and can quickly earn gold to support crafting and magic on other characters later. Buy Skills: Visit the Trainer (glowing green) in Fingle and learn: Dodging Sword Mastery Consider learning the nine Magics (Bear, Wolf, Eagle, Snake, Frog, Sun, Moon, Turtle, Evil) for leveling. Explore and Fight: Practice combat near Fingle to get a feel for the game. Upgrade Your Weapon: Sell loot to the Merchant (blue) for gold. Buy 96 tin ingots and find a Crafter (1 Creative, 1 Magical, 10 Physical) to make you a tin tachi. Skill Training (Dodging): Spider Army NW of Fingle (220, 140): Level 1 Bone Warriors (Realm of the Dead): Level 10 Spirit Creatures (Spirit Realm): Level 17 Orc Champions (Dragon Realm): Level 28 You can also train Dodging in skiller geos. Ask a mage to help you out!