Overview There are many skills that can be learned from the Trainers in town. Once learned, they will appear in your skills list accessed via the far top right button, or by pressing 4. Almost all skills can be learned by anyone, with the exception of Beastmaster specific skills, and Totem Shatter. *PAGEEND* Physical These skills are the main focus of Fighters, and help in combat. Dodging: Determines if you can dodge an enemy's attacks. You can gain experience by being attacked by monsters that have a tohit 0-9 higher than your dodge level. The higher the difference, the higher the experience gained. Weapon Masteries: Each weapon type has its own mastery. Mastery levels are gained very slowly over time and increase your damage done with the associated weapon. You gain experience by using the associated weapon type *PAGEEND* Creative These skills are the main focus of Crafters, and are used to craft various weapons/explosives Swordsmith: Used to make swords. Add ingots and optionally dusts/a shard to your workbench and use this skill by selecting it in the skills list or pressing ctrl+s. This will combine up to 64 ingots and any dusts/shard into a sword, with more ingots creating a larger sword with more damage. If you fail to craft the sword, a small amount of materials may be destroyed. Expertises: Each specialized weapon type has an associated Expertise skill to create it. To create a specialized weapon, add a sword (usually a greatsword), ingots, and optionally any dust/a shard. Use the desired expertise skill, and it will combine the sword, up to 32 ingots, and any dust/shard into a specialized weapon. See the hotkeys section for the hotkey for each expertise. If you fail to expertise the sword, a small amount of materials may be destroyed. Weapon Dismantle: Used to dismantle weapons that you no longer need to salvage materials from them. The higher your skill, the more materials you can salvage, with a cap at 80% with the exception of Gold Dust which can be salvaged 100% with enough skill. Explosives: Used to craft bombs. Add bricks and optionally fuses into the workbench, and activate the skill either via the skills list or ctrl+x. If you fail, all materials will be destroyed. *PAGEEND* Magic These skills are the main focus of Mages, and have a variety of uses. Magics: There are nine different magics that are used to imbue totems/staves. Each one is leveled separately, and you will want to learn and level them all if you plan to be imbuing items. To train them, add a totem/staff of the appropriate tier to your workbench and activate the skill either via the skills list or using the associated hotkey. Magics are also used to hatch drakes from eggs. Geomancy: This is used to create Earthkeys which allow players to generate personal dungeons of varying difficulty. To train geomancy, add beads and meat to the workbench, and activate the skill via the skills list or ctrl+g. Totem Shatter: This is used to shatter an imbued totem and results in various effects. You can change the color of dusts/shards, break heart gems down to plain heartgems, and release your drakes. Add the totem to be shattered to your workbench, and activate the skill via the skills list or ctrl+0.